Upholsteries play a significant role in elevating the aesthetics of furniture. However, if you do not take proper care of them, the texture will be damaged, and the colours will fade. They will start looking dull and worn out within a short span of time. Thus, frequent upholstery cleaning is essential to maintain the quality of the soft furnishings.
For upholstery cleaning in Brentwood, always contact professionals who have the right tools, use the right cleaning techniques and have years of experience cleaning different types of upholstery.
Here are a few expert cleaning and maintenance tips from the professionals.
Five Tips to Keep Your Upholstery in Good Condition
1. Taking care of cushions
Cushions are soft additions to the sofa that guarantee the utmost comfort and cosiness. However, continuous back pressure damages their softness and texture. The shape starts changing, and the fabric begins to stretch. Hence, cleaning specialists suggest fluffing up and flipping the removable parts and rotating the cushions whenever possible to prevent the texture from getting damaged.
2. Regular vacuuming
Upholstered items are soft, and dirt, dust, and microbes accumulate on them. If not cleaned frequently, dust on carpets, rugs, and sofa covers can lead to allergic conditions. Regular vacuuming is important to keep upholstery clean.
3. Stain removal tips
Spills and stains can become major concerns if not taken care of immediately. Old stains are difficult to clean. Hence, professional cleaning agents always advise cleaning the stain with water immediately. If you do not have the right cleaning product to remove the stain, contact professional specialists as soon as possible for stain removal services.
4. Removing pet hair
Regular vacuuming on the upholstery helps remove pet hair effectively. You can also use an upholstery brush with medium and firm bristles to remove pet hair effectively from the soft fibres. If the fur and hair are stuck to the upholstery, hire a professional cleaning specialist and get help instantly.
5. Deep cleaning services
Apart from regular cleaning and maintenance, scheduling a deep cleaning service with professionals every month for proper upholstery cleaning is essential. They will use chemical solutions to remove stains and pet hairs successfully.
Hire professional upholstery cleaning specialists from Titanium Cleaning. We deliver high-quality cleaning solutions for domestic and commercial customers.